The next day we drove south towards the tip of Cape Muroto stopping off at each pilgrimage temple we came to. Some of these are perched in the forest on mountain tops with wildly inaccessible country lanes littered with mirrored hairpin bends, so tight you can barely get a vehicle around them.
But everywhere there were more pilgrims, dressed in their distinctive garb, exchanging greetings with us and praying fervently at the altars reciting their enlightenment passages in a manner similar to Tibetan Buddhists, clicking their rosaries and ringing the various temple bells as they pass. The imagery in these temples is different - more immediate and immanent with Buddhas wreathed in the fires of realization, and the images of Kannon, the Goddess of Mercy, carrying baskets of fish, lobsters and clams symbolic of the tortured lives of fishermen in this treacherous ocean.

We took a mountainous detour to visit the Konomine-ji Temple near Aki. This is up a very steep winding loop road full of tight little hairpins. The temple is crowned by a forest glade and has sweeping vies of the coastline. We also found there was a higher loop road you can see on the map below, which we took up to an isolated lookout tower lost up a rough desolate track with 360 degree views of Shikoku and its southern extremity, lost in a little forest amid telecommunications towers and isolated horticulture operations replete with automatic spraying.

I have this down as Kirigawa, although it could be part of Nahari from its location.

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