From here we drove North again sidling past some atrocious beaches packed with surfie day trippers in tinted window beach wagons, lined up like sardines in a can, and found our way tortuously from the inland highway towards the coast again onto a smaller tourist road enchantingly entitled the Hiwasa sun line, which wound high above the rocky coast with panoramic views. This blog is really an image journey from coastal panroma to coastal panorama illustrating how Japan although heavily populated and industrialized has preserved vast swathes of its natural landscape untarnished.

Turning off the Hiwasa sun line at sunset we wound down a precipitous little side road stopping the night in forest punctuated by the odd small rice terrace.

Next morning there was a snake at the first lookout ...

... and there were land crabs scuttling up the steps at the temple at Hiwasa, a town also renowned for its turtle migrations. The temple, Yakuö-ji, 23 on the Singon pilgrimage route, is reputed to focus on bad luck and the bad luck ages of men and women reputedly 42 for men and 35 for women.

Surfers crowded like cultural parasites with blaring dune buggies and black windowed drag wagons on several of the beaches further north.

Onzan-ji temple 18 on the circuit was up a small side road running past one of those grotesque cattle farms which pen the animals permanently into feed lots ...

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