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Kyoto Imperial Palace and a Classical Concert

Views of the moat around the imperial palace

This chapter contains images of our visit to Kyoto Gosho, the Imperial Palace seat of the Chrysanthemum Throne and to a concert at the station which shows off its unusual architecture and multi-storey spaces.

Castle entrance gate

Palace entrance gate

The palace courtyard

Gilded roof on the palace

Views of the palace interior

The palace gardens

Views over Kyoto from the castle walls

We also happened on a school concert in the station, as we were passing through that gives a good opportunity to see the vast 3-D spaces evoked by the architecture and the great inclining auditorium surfaces.

Kyoto tower

Station architecture

Coming out the top there was a panoramic view of Kyoto from the viewing platform.

Panorama of Kyoto from the station vista point

The Kyoto buses have each stop marked like a metro would.

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